Do You Have What It Takes To Enter The Tennis World?

Tennis is more than a game involving a racket and a few paces across the court.
It is an immersive world of sports that requires exceptional thinking, fast reflexes, complex movements, and impeccable hand-eye coordination.
At MPSC Academy, we don’t just train you to become the best tennis player, we groom you to excel across the globe with consistent feedback and a global rating system – UTR.

Play According To The Gold Standard Of Tennis Players

Universal Tennis Rating (UTR) is a global system that rates tennis players’ skills on a 16-point scale.

Indiscriminative of age, gender, and location, it gives you a true and accurate depiction of where you stand as a player, and how you can improve yourself.

Find your level of play and display your grit and determination in our UTR-based tournaments.

Grow Through Your Rank

Whether you are an amateur yet to enter the court or an accustomed tennis player, all results of our UTR tournaments go towards building your rating – and so your reputation.

Learn from the best in China, play with the most competitive local and international players, and know your worth.

From getting you into the best college and universities to assisting you to go pro; your UTR can help you reach the skies – and conquer them!

Every Game Counts!

The UTR motivates you, drives you, and gives you an unbreakable sportsman spirit.
Even if down 5-0 in a set, every move counts in making the algorithm, and so you fight in the tournament till the very end.
It isn’t over until it is, and our UTR tournaments train you to give your best even when your back is against the wall. Play in various formats – fast four, match plays, and round robins – and get your training to count for the main rating too.
Register for our UTR tournament and get in the game!

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